New addition to the SPARQ Center thanks to Piner High School instructor Mike Converse and John Hubacz, CEO of JH Technologies, for this donation of a research grade Nikon Eclipse 80i Fluorescence Microscope. Thanks to this new acquisition students will be able to explore the micro world including microphotography, drawings and observations, fluorescence microscopy, and research to support the STEM Certificate Program, increasing the SPARQ Center’s capability for our teachers and students. We DO science!
JH Technlogies iFuSE Program: “The purpose of our ‘iFuSE‘ program is to provide tools to those people and institutions that will teach/train our scientists of the future. The JH Technologies team will gather new, used, and broken microscopes, repair them, and distribute them to organizations that focus on educating our children in grades K -12. These microscopes will be donated to qualifying schools and teaching organizations.“