In cooperation with The Robert Ferguson Observatory (RFO), we are proud to announce that Dr. Alex Filippenko, professor of Astronomy at UC Berkeley and one of the world’s most renowned astrophysicists, will be presenting* at our first STEM Café for 2021-2022. Dr. Filippenko is frequently featured in the History Channel series The Universe, as well as in the series How the Universe Works. Overall, he has participated in more than 120 science documentaries. Dr. Filippenko will be discussing the physical origin and nature of dark energy in his talk titled: A New Surprise in our Expanding Universe.
-STEM Certificate Level 1 Approved-
* due to the popularity of Dr. Filappenko and due to this being a fundraiser for RFO, paying guests will be watching live in the PAC while our STEM café will be Live Streamed by the Piner Broadcast Club into the SPARQ Planetarium for FREE! As usual, students, parents, and Piner Community are welcome! If you would like to support RFO and SPARQ, you may purchase tickets to the live event in Piner’s PAC (Performing Arts Center) at: