Please join us, as Dr. Natalie Hobson will sort fact from fiction in our upcoming election with: You Decide: How The Math Behind our Voting Systems Swing the Election. Do you think voter turnout, policy issues, and debate performance will determine the upcoming election? Well, it turns out the mathematics behind the voting system itself can have a significant influence on the winner. In fact, different fair voting systems can lead to different outcomes in an election even when the same ballots are used. Given this issue, how is power in the U.S. Electoral College currently distributed across states? In this ZOOM café, we will investigate the voting paradox and discuss current power distributions in elections. For Piner High students, this event counts toward your STEM Level 1 Certificate. Join us, Thursday October 8th at 7pm on ZOOM!
*ZOOM Café lecture is generally 45 minutes in length, then a 15-minute question and answer period with Dr. Hobson. Limited participation of 300
Zoom meeting invite:
Topic: The Voting Paradox
Time: Oct. 8, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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